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Soft Modernism

While S/S 16 fashion weeks are continue, i choose the looks i like from London -Apparel.
WGSN is overviewing the catwalks as
 " With a new venue at Soho's Brewer Street Car Park, London provides a mixed bag of quirky yet innovative collections"

  • Radical and high-impact, sleeves work as a platform for new details across numerous collections, 
  • Dresses are key to the season, and range from feminine Marie Antoinette styles to slim columns or short and flirty styles
  • Materials and sweater knits feature tactile constructions
  • Ruffles and ties are omnipresent
  • Whisper pastels and butter yellow look new" 


Moda haftaları devam ederken S/S 16 :London - Apparel 'deki en sevdiğim looklar aşağıdakiler oldu.
Tüm defileleri incelemek isterseniz http://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/ dan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Feminen Marie Antoinette  stilinden, uzun ince kolon görüntüsüne kadar elbiselerleri sezonun anahtar objesi olarak görüp, bolca fırfır ve fular kullanmışlar.
İnce trikolar, pastel tonlar ve  danteller vurgulanmış...

Amanda Wakeley

Bora Aksu

Eudon Choi

Eudon Choi

Jasper Conran

Pringle of Scotland

Preen by Thornton Bregazzi

Barbara Casasola

David Koma


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